We sell affordable reproductions or replicas of popular designs found in the public domain or adaptations of designs that are comparable in quality and to products sold by famous designers and manufacturers. They do NOT come stamped with the designer’s logo or in a logo box.
Occasionally, we purchase, stock, and advertise a product that may appear to be a copy of a protected work. Because we respect the intellectual property rights of third parties, it is Heights Jeweler’s policy to suspend the sale of any item demonstrably and reliably proved to be infringing, provided the third party owner provides substantiation and documentation of such claim so as to permit our staff and legal counsel to conduct an investigation.
Heights Jewelers will promptly and permanently remove any item from sale that demonstrably and substantially is demonstrated to infringe the intellectual property rights of a third party providing substantial documentation thereof.
Unless specifically stated, when we show pictures of celebrities wearing jewelry on our website, we do not claim that the jewelry worn by those celebrities is Heights Jewelers jewelry, nor do we claim that the jewelry they are wearing is exactly the same as the jewelry we sell at Heights Jewelers, or that the celebrities are endorsing Heights Jewelers. These pictures are simply showing that these fashionable people are wearing jewelry similar to jewelry available at Heights Jewelers.com.
We make every attempt to avoid errors in pricing and product information, but we are human. If typographical errors, or errors of pricing computation, or any other mistake may occur, we reserve the right to correct it upon proper notification or our spontaneous awareness, and in our sole discretion, to refuse or cancel any orders placed for that item at the incorrect price or other description. All prices listed on this site are in U.S. dollars. Heights Jewelers.Com, its subsidiaries and/or affiliates, will make every effort to offer the best value for the purchasing dollar. The price of the jewelry is largely dependent on the price of the gold and silver in the spot market. Due to these fluctuations of precious metal within these markets, Hanaluara.Com its subsidiaries and/or affiliates, reserve the right to change the online price without notice.
Sizes and weights listed for the products on our site may vary based on handcrafted specialties or unique application of skills of the particular jeweler, or the personalization of the piece in terms of size, lettering etc.
Metal Markets
Our merchandise is made with the finest of precious metals. These metals are subject to price variations based upon worldwide demand that is out of our control. Heights Jewelers.Com reserves the right to change pricing at any time, based upon the changes of these metal markets.
Product Images
We have attempted to accurately depict the colors of the products offered on this site. However, because the color you see is dependent on your computer monitor, we cannot guarantee that the color you see will be accurate. The products also may appear larger or smaller than their actual size depending on your monitor. Some photographs have been enlarged to show detail.